KD 4.1
1. Give 1 example of :
a. Set c. Empty set
b. Not set d. Infinite set
2. Express the following sets by listing their elements!
a. H = Set of even whole number between 8 and 20.
b. P = { x | 3 < x ≤ 15, x odd number}
3. Given B = { a, p, e, l }
Fill in the blank with the correct answer , , , or
a. p …….. B d. {k,l}….. B
b. I …….. B e. {e,p}..…B
c. { } …… B
KD 4.2
1. Given P = { s, m, p}, write all subset of P!
2. Given M = { x | x ≤ 11, x the set of prime number}
a. n(M) = ….
b. How many subset of M?
c. How many subset of M which have 3 elements?
(Use Pascal Triangle)
KD 4.3
1. Given U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 8}
By listing the elements, determine:
a. A B
b. A B
c. A – B
d. AC
e. (A B)C
KD 4.4
1. Given U = { x | x < 10, x the set of natural number}
A = { x | x < 9 , x the set of odd number }
B = {2, 3, 5, 7}
Draw the Venn diagram!
2. Study at this Venn diagram!
By listing the elements, determine:
a. A B
b. A C
c. A – B
d. (A B)C
KD 4.5
1. There are 60 students in a class VII SMP Negeri 1 Majenang. 20 students like badminton, 25 students like volley ball, 10 students like both badminton and volley ball.
a. Show that condition in Venn diagram!
b. How many students who don’t like badminton and volley ball?
c. How many students who like badminton only?
2. There are 50 peoples in the room. 25 peoples like reading, 30 peoples like singing, and 7 peoples don’t like reading and singing.
a. Show that condition in Venn diagram!
b. How many people who like both reading and singing?
c. How many people who like singing only?
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Tes Himpunan kelas 7 Immersi
Written By Mr Echo Tee Nan on 2.02.2009 | 22.54
Ditulis Oleh : Mr Echo Tee Nan ~ Blog Guru Matematika SMP N 1 Majenang

mathematic immersi
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