1. Martin has bought 5 dozen of glasses at the prize Rp 180.000. Then he sells his glass Rp 4.000 each. Calculate the profit or loss of martin’s!
2. Julia Perez buys a car at the prize Rp 200.000.000. Then she sells her car at the prize Rp 230.000.000. Determine the percentage of profit which get by Julia Perez!
3. Anna sells her ring at the prize of Rp 880.000. If she gets profit of 10 %, then how much does she buy her ring?
4. Plaza Mangku Langit gives discount 10 % for Jeans Collection. If the original price of jeans is Rp 150.000. What is the new price of those jeans?
5. Mr. Mahmud buy a book in Mall of Indonesia at the prize Rp 100.000. If he only pay for a book Rp 93.000. Determine the percentage of discount for a book in Mall of Indonesia?
6. Laksana Baru gives discount 5 % for Shoes collection. If Madonna pay for her shoes which buy in Laksana Baru at the prize Rp 285.000. The original prize of her shoes is …
7. Jinny saves her money in Bank Maju Trus Rp 20.000.000 with interest 15 % per year. Calculate the bank interest which is got by Jinny for 4 months!
8. Too Cool saves his money in Bank Ambur Radoel Rp 12.000.000 with interest 10 % per year. Determine the Too Cool’s money after 1 year!
9. In a sack of rice, it is written Gross = 250 kg and tare = 2 %. Determine the netto a sack of rice!
10. Mr. Martin buys a box of oranges which the weight is 150 kg and tare is 2 %. The cost for a kilogram of oranges is Rp 5.000. How much does Mr. Martin pay for those oranges?
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» Social arithmatic test
Social arithmatic test
Written By Mr Echo Tee Nan on 2.04.2009 | 21.11
Ditulis Oleh : Mr Echo Tee Nan ~ Blog Guru Matematika SMP N 1 Majenang

mathematic immersi
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